Music Touring Toolkit

10 Essential Checklist Items for the Touring Rock Musician

Indie rock musicians often face unique challenges when touring, from limited budgets to limited resources.

As such, having the right tools in their touring toolkit can make all the difference in ensuring a successful and stress-free tour.

Here are 10 essential tools that every indie rock musician should have in their touring toolkit.

10 Essential Items for a Touring Musician!

1. Reliable Transportation

A reliable vehicle is the backbone of any successful tour. Whether it’s a van or a tour bus, make sure it’s in good condition and has enough space for all the gear and people you’ll be traveling with. Regular maintenance and checkups are also crucial to avoid breakdowns and delays.

2. Navigation Tools

Getting lost in an unfamiliar city can be a real headache, especially when you’re running late for a gig. GPS devices, smartphone apps, and physical maps can all be helpful in getting you where you need to go on time.

3. Performance Gear

Your performance gear should be high-quality and durable enough to withstand the rigors of touring. This includes instruments, amps, and PA systems. Don’t skimp on these items, as they can make or break your live show.

4. Merchandise

Selling merchandise is a great way to earn extra income on tour, and it’s also a great way to promote your band. Make sure to have enough t-shirts, CDs, vinyl records, and other items to sell at your shows.

5. First Aid Kit

Accidents can happen on the road, so it’s always a good idea to have a first aid kit on hand. This should include band-aids, gauze, antiseptic, pain relievers, and any other items you might need in case of injury or illness.

6. Snacks and Water

Touring can be exhausting and it can be hard to stay healthy, so make sure to bring plenty of snacks and water to keep everyone fed and hydrated. This can help you avoid the expense and hassle of buying food and drinks on the road.

7. Mobile Phone and Charger

Your mobile phone is your lifeline on tour, so make sure it’s always charged and ready to go. Consider investing in a portable battery pack or car charger to keep your phone powered up while you’re on the road.

8. Cash and Credit Cards

You never know when you’ll need cash or a credit card on tour, so make sure to bring both. This will allow you to pay for gas, food, and other expenses along the way.

9. Tool Kit

A basic tool kit can come in handy for fixing gear and equipment on the road. This should include items like screwdrivers, pliers, wrenches, and other tools you might need in case of a repair emergency.

10. Personal Items

Finally, don’t forget to bring your personal items like clothing, toiletries, and any medications you need. It’s also a good idea to bring earplugs and a sleep mask to help you get a good night’s sleep in noisy or unfamiliar environments.

Final Thoughts

Having the right tools in your touring toolkit can help you stay organized, prepared, and stress-free on the road. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, these 10 essential items can make all the difference in ensuring a successful and enjoyable tour.