Health hacks for touring

7 Health Hacks for Touring Bands

When you’re on the road, it’s important to stay healthy so you can continue to perform at your best. While indulging when on tour is common, it can wear you down after a while. Here are seven health hacks that touring bands can use to make sure they’re in top shape and stay healthy on tour.

How To Stay Healthy On Tour

1. Stay hydrated

Pack snacks and plenty of water. It’s important to stay hydrated and fueled up when you’re on the road. Pack healthy snacks like fruits and nuts, and make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day.

This is especially important if you’re drinking plenty of alcohol. While good times are there to be had, protecting yourself from dehydration is always a good idea.

2. Get enough sleep

It can be tempting to party all night when you’re on tour, but it’s important to get enough rest so you can perform your best. Make sure to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night.

If that’s not possible, then have at least a couple of days a week when you’re having proper rest. Trying to function on lack of sleep is not only bad for your health but also for your performance.

3. Take breaks during long drives

If you’re going to be driving for more than a few hours, make sure to take breaks every few hours to stretch your legs and relax. This will help you avoid fatigue and keep you alert on the road.

If there are a few of you in the band who can drive, it’s best to share driving responsibilities.

4. Stay active

It’s easy to become inactive when you’re on tour, but it’s important to try and stay active. Take a walk whenever you can, and do simple exercises like squats and push-ups to keep your body moving.

While trying to find a gym can be difficult, simply going for a run or using bodyweight exercise is very easy to do.

5. Stay hygienic

When you’re on the road, it’s important to make sure you’re showering regularly and washing your hands often. This will help you avoid getting sick while you’re away from home.

6. Avoid alcohol and cigarettes

Okay, so you may laugh at this one as both of them are ingrained in the psyche of a touring musician. Alcohol and cigarettes can both lead to health problems down the road, so it’s best to minimize them if possible.

If you do drink, make sure to do so in moderation and give yourself breaks.

7. See a doctor before you go

If you have any existing health conditions, make sure to see a doctor before you go on tour. This will help you avoid any problems while you’re away from home.

Final Thoughts

Following these seven health hacks will help you stay healthy on tour. By taking care of yourself, you’ll be able to perform at your best and enjoy your time on tour.

We appreciate that a tour isn’t exactly the perfect place for a healthy lifestyle but it’s still good to keep your health in mind. Having days off from alcohol, junk food and bad sleep is a great way to keep your energy up until you’re back home.

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