Guerilla Marketing Music

Guerrilla Marketing Tips for Bands

It’s no secret that it’s hard to make it in the music industry. There is plenty of competition out there and trying to get attention above the noise can be difficult. One way to combat this is to use guerrilla marketing techniques to get your music heard. Guerrilla marketing is all about using creative, out-of-the-box methods to reach your target audience.

Most of these methods require very little if no budget but do often need hard work and dedication. If you’re ready to take those extra steps to get some attention, here are some great guerrilla marketing tips for bands.

What is Guerilla Marketing?

Guerrilla marketing is a term that was coined in the early 1990s by Jay Conrad Levinson. It refers to any marketing strategy that is unconventional and unexpected. Guerrilla marketing tactics are often low-cost and can be very effective in getting people’s attention.

The contrast to this is the likes of advertising, which can be a very expensive form of marketing. Guerrilla marketing is all about getting out there on the streets and getting your hands dirty. Sometimes, it even means stepping over the line of what’s legal and what isn’t.

Best Guerrilla Marketing Methods for Bands

Street teams

There are many different guerrilla marketing strategies that bands can use to promote their music. One popular method is to use street teams. Street teams are groups of people who promote your music by handing out flyers and talking to people about your band. This is a great way to generate word-of-mouth buzz for your band.

Don’t underestimate the power of leaflets and flyers. Do most of them get dropped off in the next bin? Probably but a significant percentage get read. When’s the last time a music artist handed you a flyer in the street? It doesn’t happen often so there’s a good chance of success.

Viral videos

Viral videos are another great way to get people talking about your music. A viral video is a video that is shared widely online, often through social media. Viral videos can be very effective in promoting your band if they are creative and attention-grabbing.

TikTok, Twitter, and Facebook are great places for this but creating a viral video is often harder than it seems. If you’re continually creating great content online, then there’s a great chance it will get widely shared.

Flash mobs

Flash mobs are organized groups of people who suddenly appear in a public place and perform an unusual or interesting action. They can be used to promote your band by getting people to talk about your music.

Your flash mob performance may be in a place where music often isn’t allowed or perhaps you want to do it in a curious place. Whatever you choose, flash mobs can get plenty of attention.


Here we start wandering into the shaky legal ground as in plenty of places, leaving graffiti is a crime. If you want to take that chance, graffiti is a good idea but there are a few ways around this.

For example, you may get permission from a business owner to put some graffiti art on their shutters. Also, you may want to put your graffiti down on the pavement in chalk so you’re not causing any permanent damage. You can even do ‘reverse’ graffiti when you use a stencil and clean the blank spaces, leaving your clean mark on the dirty floor. Don’t be afraid to get creative with it.


Another morally questionable tactic is stickers. Print off your band name and attach them to lamposts, signs, train seats and anywhere else you can think of. Some may see them as a nuisance but it gets your name out there.


Busking can be seen as a form of guerrilla marketing, especially in places where it’s either not allowed or you need a permit. Get your guitar out, and start performing. One big mistake that many make when busking is not having a clear sign as to who they are. Make sure people know what your band/artist name is and where they can find you.

Guerrilla marketing is a great way for small, unsigned bands to get their music heard. By using creative and out-of-the-box tactics, you can reach a wider audience and generate word-of-mouth buzz for your band.

How to Execute a Successful Guerrilla Marketing Campaign

Guerrilla marketing is a great way to promote your band and get your music heard by a wider audience. However, it’s not as easy as just throwing together a few ads and hoping for the best. There are a few things you need to do to make sure your campaign is successful.

What are your goals?

First, you need to have a clear idea of what your goals are. What do you want to achieve with your marketing campaign? Do you want to increase album sales? Get more gig bookings? Build a bigger fan base? Once you know what you want to achieve, you can create a plan of action to make it happen.

Target audience

Next, you need to identify your target audience. Who are the people most likely to be interested in your music? Where do they live? What kind of things do they like to do? Once you know who your target audience is, you can start thinking about what kind of marketing tactics will appeal to them.


Finally, you need to set a budget. Guerrilla marketing can be very effective, but it’s important to remember that it often requires a lot of time and effort. You’ll need to be prepared to invest both money and time into your campaign. Guerrilla marketing is usually low-cost but the likes of flyers will require money.

Tips for Staying Creative and Keeping Your Fans Engaged

Here are a few tips for staying creative and keeping your fans engaged:

1. Keep things fresh

It’s important to keep your marketing campaign fresh and interesting. If you’re using the same tactics over and over, people will quickly get bored. Try to mix things up and keep your fans guessing.

2. Be creative

Guerrilla marketing is all about being creative and thinking outside the box. If you can come up with a unique and attention-grabbing campaign, you’re more likely to get people talking about your music.

3. Keep it real

Don’t try to be something you’re not. Be authentic and stay true to yourself and your music. Your fans will appreciate it.

4. Stay engaged

It’s important to stay engaged with your fans throughout your marketing campaign. Keep them updated on your progress and let them know how they can help.

5. Have fun

Guerrilla marketing can be a lot of work, but it should also be fun. If you’re not enjoying yourself, it’s unlikely that your fans will either.

Guerrilla Marketing Tips for Bands – Final Thoughts

So, what can unsigned bands do to get their music heard? Guerilla marketing is one option that can be very effective in reaching a wider audience. By using creative and out-of-the-box tactics, you can generate word-of-mouth buzz for your band and increase album sales or get more gig bookings.

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