It's Just Rock and Roll

15 Ways the Internet Changed the Distribution of Indie Music

Imagine a time when aspiring musicians were confined to their garages, dreaming of a stage that seemed light-years away. Fast forward to today, and the internet has provided a stage that spans the globe. It’s a stage where indie (independent) artists have a spotlight of their own. Let’s uncover how the internet reshaped the indie …

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Microphone in studio

The Different Types of Microphones and Their Uses in the Recording Studio

The recording studio is a sanctuary where sound is captured, refined, and transformed into art. The microphone is at the heart of this creative process, an important tool that converts sound into electrical signals. But not all microphones are created equal; there are different types, each with its unique characteristics and uses. In this guide, …

The Different Types of Microphones and Their Uses in the Recording Studio Read More »