Best Razorlight Songs

Best Razorlight Songs – Top 10

What are the best Razorlight songs? That’s what we wanted to find out. While this is a band that often splits opinions, I love them. Let’s take a look at the best work from their four albums.

10 Best Razorlight Songs

10. Fall, Fall, Fall

For me, this is an incredibly underrated song. Their track “Wire To Wire” is in a similar ilk and got plenty of attention but I think this is as good. After the frenetic and uptempo nature of most of the tracks on Up All Night, this feels especially poignant. Johnny’s vocals around the two-minute mark when he painfully sings the title are exceptional.

9. Burn, Camden, Burn

“Burn, Camden, Burn” was a great return to the classic Razorlight sound that we’ve come to love. That’s probably because the song was first conceived back in 2009 but still, it’s a great song. It’s a classic indie song and gives me all those nostalgic vibes.

8. Before I Fall To Pieces

Even the title of this song gets you before you’ve even heard a bar, then we get hit with a brilliant opening line. The whole song is quite pained while having that brand of melancholic indie that Razorlight produced so perfectly throughout a lot of their songs. It’s definitely one of the best Razorlight songs.

7. I Can’t Stop This Feeling I’ve Got

As with “Before I Fall To Pieces” this is another great title and slams you in the heart with that indie sadness. The song’s about having that aching feeling which you know is wrong but can’t get it out of your head. The “Razorlight” album was a perfectly crafted record and this track sat beautifully in the middle of it.

6. Stumble And Fall

“Stumble And Fall” perfectly encapsulates why I loved Up All Night so much. That naked under-produced indie which was so prevalent at the time sends me one a trip down memory lane and a reminisce on a few brilliant years for music. The frenetic track has that beautiful simplicity that you only ever find on a  debut album.

5. In The Morning

The opening track from their second self-titled album, “Stumble And Fall” is another one of the best Razorlight songs. With the refrain of “In the morning, you know he won’t remember a thing”, it’s pretty clear what the song is about. We’ve all been there in the morning after wishing that we’d not drunk as much the night before.

4. Golden Touch

For many, this was their introduction to Razorlight, and what an introduction! When you love a band, it’s easy to overlook just how good their most popular songs are, as you’re more focused on other tracks. Everything about this song is perfect and it rolls along elegantly. It may be an obvious pick but deserves is place as one of the best Razorlight songs.

3. Somewhere Else

What a great way to end a brilliant album. Johnny often does a brilliant job of taking a fairly simple line and giving it some emotional clout. He also uses his vocals perfectly which means the points where he belts out a line sound amazing. It all adds up to an anthemic sound and a great song to listen to when you want to be, well, somewhere else.

2. Wire To Wire

When this song first came out, I was blown away. Its stripped-back beauty allows each lyric to stand out and hit you emotionally. It’s the type of song that would be easy to over-produce but it makes the crescendo resonate a lot more than it may have done. Johnny’s vocals sound superb here and it was a wonderful opening to the Slipway Fires album.

1. America

I’d often say that the most popular song from a band isn’t their best, with Kings of Leon being a great example. “America”, however, is quite simply a phenomenal song and deserves the number one spot on our list of best Razorlight songs. It hits hard with that melancholy indie and the desperation of the vocals. This songs could be about anything and it would still hit you in the same way.

The Best Razorlight Songs – Final Thoughts

I often see this band getting plenty of grief online and it seems as though they’ve become one of those easy targets which is a shame, because they are brilliant. If you enjoyed this list then perhaps you’ll want to check out my list of the best Biffy Clyro songs and all the other content on our site. Thanks for reading and have a great day!

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