Best Scroobius Pip Songs

Best Scroobius Pip Songs

He may not be making any music anymore but Scroobius Pip’s music has been a huge part of many lives, including myself. His incredible lyrical prowess can go from obscure and quirky to cutting and intensely deep. It has led to many tracks which are incredible and here I want to look at the 10 best Scroobius Pip songs.

In this list we’ll be looking at his best songs both with Dan Le Sac and as a solo artist. His lyrics speak to people in different ways so there’s no doubt your top 10 list will be different but let’s celebrate this lyrical genius.

Top 10 Scroobius Pip Songs


10. Let ‘Em Come

There are about 20 songs that I was mulling over for the final spot but in the end, “Let ‘Em Come” gets it. I think that I might have been swayed by the memories of hearing this live. “Back from Hell” was a contender for a similar reason. Most of Pip’s songs I adore for their lyrical depth, this one just sounds incredible.

“I see so many kids that love being writers more than they love writing”

9. Terminal

Looking over the Spotify listening stats and this is way down on where it should be. It’s an absolutely beautiful track with a wonderful story. It gives you a lump in the throat and you could probably write a movie script based on this four-minute song.

“I’d met her that morning in the waiting room at 7am
And 16 beautiful hours later, I’d never see her again”

8. The Struggle

This track immediately grabs you with the drums and then the guitar riff. The lyrics are incredibly dark and then you get the humorous line about Johnny Depp. It ends up being a thought-proking look at success and power from a different angle.

“I have my addictions, or rather my addictions have me
Sometimes the shadow of my shadow is all I can be”

7. The Beat That My Heart Skipped

I was so excited to listen to Angles. What a perfect song to start it will that incredible intro. All these years later and I still can’t sing that first verse without tripping over my tongue.

“And this actress is practiced in shunning such theatrics
When put upon daily by tactless geriatrics
So my genuine advances are met with perfect scepticism
Throwing compliments but she just straight elects to miss ’em”

6. Porter

I like boring people by explaining the lyrics of this song. The ability to look at famous ‘innocent’ stories from a darker perspective is a great insight into the wonderful mind of Scroobius Pip. Not only is it clever but the chorus is also insanely catchy.

“She tells her story with a smile while not the slightest flicker of rigour lingers
As this princess clicks the heels on her slippers
Kinda hear a solemn mumble as I close the cell door
Mr Porter we ain’t in Kansas no more”

5. Magician’s Assistant

*sigh* what can you say about this one? Well, a lot actually, I could probably write a dissertation on the depth of this song. It’s probably Pip’s most powerful lyrics and has no doubt helped countless people think a little clearer.

“Instead of fighting though together
And turning things around
You decided the grass is greener
On the other side of the ground”

4. Letter from God to Man

I think this long is Dan Le Sac at his absolute best. The backing to Pip’s vocals is perfect. Lyrically, it doesn’t get much better than this. The meaning, lyrical flow, and content are just perfect.

“So I apologize for any mistakes I made
And when my words were misconstrued
But this apology’s to Mother Nature
Cause I created you”

3. You Will See Me

I love angry Pip, and he was never angrier than on “You Will See Me” it’s a furious track that makes you want to grab a baseball bat and start smashing things.

“I just need to show you what you fucking walked away from
I will achieve all my goals ten-fold
I will achieve your goals too, casually”

2. Introdiction

What a way to start an album. 2011’s Distraction Pieces was a wonderful album and the lead track is epic.

“You see a mousetrap, I see free cheese, and a fucking challenge”

1. Thou Shalt Always Kill

I wanted to avoid the obvious choice for number one but many times, the obvious choice is just so for a reason. This is the track that gave Dan Le Sac and Scroobius Pip their break. It still sounds as relevant today as ever.

“Thou shalt not attend an open mic and leave as soon as you’ve done your shitty little poem or song, you self-righteous prick!”


If you happen to disagree with this then rest assured, I probably will tomorrow. Trying to choose the best Scroobius Pip songs was a difficult task and trying to cut it down to a top 10 was torturous. I’ll probably end up expanding it to 20 in the future, maybe more! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the journey of looking back that the best songs from his underrated legend.

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