Everything You Need to Know Before Buying a Record Player

Everything You Need to Know Before Buying a Record Player

Vinyl records are making a comeback. Whether you’re an audiophile looking for the best sound quality, or someone who enjoys collecting albums from different eras of music, a record player may be just what you need.

But before you go out and buy one, there are some things you should know about record players. Let’s dive in.

Types of Players

The first thing you need to consider when buying a record player is what type is right for you. There are three main types of record players: manual, semi-automatic, and automatic. Manual players require the user to manually move the stylus into place on the record each time they want to play it.

Semi-automatic players require the user to place the stylus on the record but then automatically return it back to its original position at the end of a song or side of an album. Automatic players do everything for the user; all they have to do is press “play” and enjoy their music!


Another important factor when purchasing a record player is understanding all of its components and features. Different models come with different features, such as built-in speakers or USB ports for recording your vinyl onto other devices like computers or phones.

Additionally, certain turntables offer adjustable pitch control so that users can make slight adjustments to speed up or slow down their music without affecting the audio quality.

It’s important to think about what features are most important for your setup before making any decisions about which model to purchase.

Maintenance & Care

Finally, it’s essential that you understand how much maintenance and care goes into keeping a record player in good condition over time.

For example, if your turntable has an exposed belt drive system (as opposed to direct drive), then it’s important that you regularly check and adjust the tension on this belt so that it doesn’t become too loose or too tight over time.

Otherwise, your records won’t spin properly and could potentially become damaged as well. In addition, users should also clean their records (and stylus) frequently with antistatic cleaning solutions in order to keep them sounding great for years to come!

Final Thoughts

Buying a record player can be an exciting experience, but it’s also one that requires careful consideration beforehand so that you end up with something that meets your needs both now and in years down the road.

From deciding which type of player is best for your needs to understanding all of its various components and features, as well as recognizing how much maintenance goes into keeping it running smoothly, there are many things worth considering before buying a turntable!

With these tips in mind, knowledge seekers out there can find the perfect record player for their setup in no time!

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