How Many Hours a Day Should I Practice Guitar?

You just got yourself a guitar, and you probably are excited to learn how to play it. The amount of time you spend practicing depends on your set goals. Have you set any? And if yes, how much time have you set for practice?

If being a guitarist is your career, or you want to master the instrument, you should put in about 4 hours of practice a day. Those who play guitar for fun can spend half an hour in a day or even more.

Why Do You Want To Learn Guitar?

This question will help you identify how much time you need to learn the guitar. If it is for career purposes, your school might have set a target that you should achieve by the end of a certain period.

Well, if you still have not identified the reason you want to learn guitar, check out if it could be among these.

A hobby

Most people who buy guitars want to play them because their hobby lies in the instrument. You watch bands on the television and start wishing you could play like that particular guitarist in the band. If that is your reason for playing guitar, you are likely to learn how to play it fast.

An alternative to the boredom

Did you try sports only to find that your interests don’t lie there? Don’t worry because you might like the guitar. If you are also a lover of music, there is a reason you didn’t choose cooking to kill boredom.

After all, being a guitarist can also be a side hustle in the future because you could get extra money from gigs and jam sessions.

Be famous

Young people who are thirsty for fame could find being a guitarist an easier way to get into the limelight. Bands will start identifying you and will want you to play for them in a concert. Guitarists also lead campfire sing-a-longs and cheer-up nightclubs. People think guitarists are cool, and you will get fans.


Besides other musical instruments, you can learn so many musical possibilities with a guitar. You can play chords, slur notes, and play counterpoint harmonies on it. Although it will not bring out the perfect sound, you can rarely find one musical instrument with those possibilities.

What’s Next After Identifying the Goals

Knowing why you want to play the guitar will help you know the amount of time you need to practice. You know that you can practice even for 10 minutes to 4 hours. Although your reasons might be more serious, do not be hard on yourself.

The guitar is not a very easy-to-learn musical instrument, and you might find that you will be tired of sitting or holding it for 5 minutes into practicing. Your fingers also get tired from pulling and striking the strings.

A Breakdown of the Goal and Time You Could Take To Practice In a Day

If you are playing guitar as a hobby, 30 minutes of practice in a day will be enough. If you are enjoying the process, it could take you 4-6 months to reach your guitar goal.

If your reason for learning guitar is to know a particular song, you can put 10 minutes of your time into it. It could take you 30 days to learn your first song with chords. The other songs will take less time.

If you want to be famous, that means you are learning guitar to play in a band someday or present in a crowd. Learning it for 1-2 hours a day will take you about 2-3 years to reach your goal, which would be fine.

However, if you want to have the skills within a short time, you could increase the hours to 3 in a day.

People who want to know what guitar can do that other instruments can’t practice for 3-4 hours in a day. You don’t have pressure to know these things, which could take you even ten years to reach your goal.

Be Ready For Changes in Your Schedules

Guitar classes are likely to interfere with your daily life routine, so be ready for those changes. The amount of time stated can change depending on your daily schedule. However, do not forget about the other activities, your family and friends.

These Are the Best Ways to Learn How to Play the Guitar

Focus on mastering the guitar alone. Learning how to play the instrument by listening to your favorite songs and playing them is not the best way to do it.

Also, get an excellent teacher to coach and guide you. A teacher will help you understand the instrument parts and their roles. Ask questions and research more to expand your knowledge base.

Buy a guitar book. Having a hard copy book will be a less frustrating way to learn than watching YouTube videos. Different YouTube teachers might confuse you, and if you don’t understand one, you might want to jump to another.


How many hours will I practice to be good at guitar?

The amount of hours you spend practicing guitar to get to your goal depends on the reason you want to learn the instrument, your ability to learn, and your time. People who want it because it is a hobby can do it for about 30 minutes, taking them about 4 months. Some take even years to be good at it.

Is it okay if I practice for 1 hour?

Yes, you can put one hour a day into your guitar practice. You might want to increase the time if you are practicing to play for an upcoming concert or if you’re going to master the guitar.

Can I practice guitar too much?

Just like other instruments, spending more than 4 hours practicing the guitar will be harming yourself. Spending extra time practicing doesn’t make a difference in progress. If you have practiced for two hours and are tired, that is enough.

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