How to Quietly Practice Electric Guitar

Whether you are a traveling artist, studying music in school, or simply want to show respect to the people around you by providing peace and quiet, you can easily practice your electric guitar while creating minimal sound in the environment around you.

You probably already know that the electric guitar was not designed to be played acoustically, and there is little to no pleasure in hearing the dull twang of un-amplified strings. Fortunately,
there are a number of ways you can play your guitar quietly that provide access to a wide range of tones and effects right at your fingertips.

What You’ll Need

One of the main components of practicing noiselessly is going to be headphones. Simply lowering the volume on your amp may not be as satisfying as playing with headphones. Although headphones cannot be directly plugged into your guitar, they can be plugged into an amp or pedals. Most amps have a headphone output, but if your headphones do not fit into the amp output, you will have to purchase an adapter to connect them. Also, don’t forget your guitar cable to plug into the amp.

Your headphones can be over-ear, or in some cases, earbuds. Note that the use of earbuds is more common with the use of mini amps. Mini amps are a great option if you’re traveling, and most can usually fit in your gig bag. Some are so small they can fit in your pocket. A lot of mini amps are battery-powered and do not have to be plugged in to be used. There are several different brands that supply this type of product, so always be sure to do your research to find the best mini amp for you. Like any other product, they can vary in quality. Be aware that some may not be as great as others.

Plugging your headphones into a mini amp is not the only way to get benefit out of using this method. A really cool feature is that you can also plug your phone into a mini amp so you can listen to your jam tracks while simultaneously hearing yourself play along. Simply plug your phone into the MP3 input jack to hear your music while keeping your headphones plugged into the amp at the same time.

How You Can Play Without an Amp

One way to play without an amp is by using multi-effects pedals. These pedals have inbuilt amp simulations that produce a sound similar to an amp. With this method, you can plug both your headphones and guitar directly into the pedal. Another popular method is by using a headphone guitar amp, also known as a mini amp sim device or a micro preamp.

Although, theses devices are fairly small, don’t underestimate their ability to produce a professional quality sound. The micro preamp may be considered the most convenient of all the methods because of its size. They can be used anywhere at any time of the day. These devices are only a few inches long, and contain controls and effect switches as well.

There are several different types you can choose from that offer a variety of features (some popular brands are Mooer and Vox amPlug). You can use this device by plugging it directly into your guitar and plugging your headphones in the preamp. The last way you can play without an amp is through your laptop. You will need an audio interface to act as a middle-man between your guitar and your laptop.

To use the interface, you’ll need to plug in an adapter that goes from the interface to the laptop. You’ll also need to download a software on your laptop. There are several options of software to choose from that can be used to record, edit, and produce music. You can get some software for free. This method is great for those that are on a budget and are looking for the best way to save financially.

Another Option

You absolutely do not have to buy expensive products in order to play your guitar quietly in a way that is enjoyable and of good quality. However, if you are looking to play quietly in the comfort of your own home, and you have the appropriate budget, you might consider investing in creating a soundproof space for yourself. Some of the products you can get to create this type of space are plywood sheets, to build the booth, sound-absorbing blankets, acoustic foam panels, and a door draft stopper.

Some things to Keep in Mind

If you would like to play in area that is soundproof, but do not have the budget to purchase such materials, you can get creative in your own home in other ways. While practicing in the basement or garage may seem like your first instinct, those spaces can actually produce an amplified sound because of the cement. You want to make sure that the floor is carpeted, and avoid tiles or hardwood floors as well.

The more walls and distance between you and other people, the lower your guitar sound will be. Rooms with more furniture are better to play in because furniture absorbs sound. Some good options are in a linen closet, a closet full of clothes, or sitting on the floor facing a bed. If you feel like you may have a few good options for spaces to consider, try out each space and ask for feedback from those you are trying not to disturb.

You may find that some spaces are better than others. By utilizing any of these methods, you should be able to play your guitar with satisfaction without the cops showing up at your door or getting scolded in your hotel room.

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