
Why Are Grand Pianos So Expensive?

    We all know that grand pianos are seen as one of the wonders of the musical world but why? They are clearly big pieces of equipment but why do they

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    how to clean drum cymbals

    How to Clean Drum Cymbals

      Drum cymbals have been around for centuries but have come a long way since the middle ages. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a drummer who

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      When should I replace electric guitar strings?

        If you have a guitar and play, whether once a year or every day, then you have definitely asked yourself this question; When should I replace my

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        How to clean acoustic guitar strings

          You just got your acoustic guitar; it is all shiny and new, there are no streaks on the body, and the strings sound crisp when your fingers pluck

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          How To Clean An Old Guitar

          How To Clean An Old Acoustic Guitar

            Do you have an old acoustic guitar that’s been sat on the guitar stand for too long? Maybe you’ve brought a second-hand model or got your

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