Matt Helders

Why Matt Helders Is Wasted in the Arctic Monkeys

Matt Helders is undoubtedly one of the most talented drummers of his generation, but his recent work with the Arctic Monkeys has left many fans feeling that his abilities are not being fully utilized.

While the band has achieved immense success, both critically and commercially, with their unique blend of indie rock and clever lyrics, their more recent albums have seen them move away from the raw, energetic sound that initially made them so popular.

There’s no problem with that per se, but it does mean that they have an elite drummer that is going to waste. Let’s dig a little deeper!

The Early Years

In the early years of the Arctic Monkeys, Helders’ drumming was an integral part of their distinctive sound. His intricate rhythms and tight grooves complemented the band’s catchy guitar riffs and witty lyrics perfectly, earning him praise from fans and critics alike.

However, the band’s more recent albums have seen them move away from this sound, with a more polished, studio-produced sound that often leaves Helders’ drumming feeling constrained.

A Boring Formula

One of the main issues with the Arctic Monkeys’ recent output is that the band’s sound has become increasingly formulaic. While their early albums were full of surprises, with unexpected chord changes and quirky lyrics, their more recent work has tended to stick to a more predictable formula.

This has left Helders’ drumming feeling somewhat limited, as he is forced to play within the confines of a predetermined structure rather than being able to explore the full range of his abilities.

Another factor that has contributed to Helders feeling wasted in the Arctic Monkeys is the band’s move towards more electronic sounds. While this has allowed the band to experiment with new sounds and textures, it has also meant that Helders’ drumming is often overshadowed by electronic beats and programmed rhythms.

While he still manages to inject his own personality into the band’s music, it’s clear that his contributions are not being given the space they deserve.

Not Completely Ignored

It’s worth noting that the Arctic Monkeys’ recent output has still been highly acclaimed by both fans and critics, and it’s not as if Helders’ drumming is being completely ignored.

However, for those who have followed the band from their early days, it’s hard not to feel a sense of disappointment that one of the most talented drummers of his generation is not being given the opportunity to truly shine. It’s like having a Ferrari in your garage and only using it for quick visits to the local shop.

Final Thoughts

Matt Helders is a gifted drummer whose talents are not being fully utilized in the Arctic Monkeys’ recent output. While the band’s success is undeniable, their move towards a more formulaic, studio-produced sound has left Helders’ drumming feeling constrained and overshadowed.

Here’s hoping that the band’s future output allows Helders to showcase his full range of abilities and reclaim his place as one of the most exciting drummers in contemporary rock music. Anyway, I’m off to listen to Brianstorm . . .


File:Matt Helders Roskilde 2014.jpg” by Bill Ebbesen is licensed under CC BY 3.0.